Friday, May 26, 2017

Sacramento Rehab Talks About the Connection Between Stress and Addiction

It is well known that there is a strong connection between stress and addiction. In fact, many of the people who come to our Sacramento rehab report that they have a tremendous amount of stress in their life. That tension, along with poor coping skills, can lead to serious problems with drugs and alcohol.

Normal Stress vs. Chronic Stress

When talking about stress, there are two primary kinds: normal stress and chronic stress. It’s safe to say that everyone experiences some stress in their life. In fact, many people seek out a certain amount of stress at times, in part because it feels good to overcome it. For example, running a marathon can create both physical and emotional stress. This kind of stress is moderately intense at most, predictable, and of limited duration. And, the payoff when you cross the finish line is worth it to most people. Read more on this article:

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Tips for Making Ends Meet from a Sacramento Detox

Needless to say, nothing is more important than your health. So, when you reach the decision that you need help for your drug or alcohol addiction, it’s critical that you find a way to get it. That said, there’s no denying that it can be difficult to be away from work while receiving treatment. That’s why at our Sacramento detox we share tips for how to make ends meet while in rehab.

Many Ways to Fund Your Recovery

Whether you’re looking for ways to pay for your treatment, cover your living expenses while in rehab, or both, there are a number of approaches to explore. Read more on this article:

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Sacramento Rehab Debunks Myths About Substance Abuse in the Suburbs

Drug and alcohol use and addiction are problems that know no geographic or socioeconomic boundaries. Still, people want to see these issues as happening “somewhere else” and to other people. However, our Sacramento rehab helps people from all walks of life and encourages everyone to look past the myths about substance abuse.

The Truth Behind Common Misconceptions

Here are some myths about drug and alcohol addiction that are not only untrue, but can be dangerous if they keep people from watching for signs of trouble or seeking help. Read more on this article:

Monday, May 15, 2017

Alcohol Rehab Program in Sacramento Explains Why Getting Sober Can be Especially Hard for Seniors

Getting sober is a very complex process. There are a number of social and emotional factors that impact a person’s ability to stop drinking and stay alcohol-free long term. In many ways, those factors become more difficult to overcome the older a person gets. However, as we tell people at our alcohol rehab program in Sacramento, knowing what the issues are is half the battle.

Advancing Age and Achieving Sobriety

Here are some of the reasons that it can be more difficult to get sober as you get older: Read more on this article:

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Addiction Rehab in Sacramento Explains “Quiet Abuse”

Addiction and abuse often go hand-in-hand, whether because the person with the addiction is abusing others or because the person has an addiction in part because of abuse they have suffered or are suffering. For most people, the term “abuse” brings to mind images of physical confrontations or, at a minimum, angry shouting. However, as we explain to people at our addiction rehab in Sacramento, there is another form of abuse that is often referred to as “quiet abuse.” And, it can be every bit as damaging as other types.

What is Quiet Abuse?

Quiet abuse can occur in many ways. And because it isn’t physical in nature, it can be difficult to see that someone is being victimized. In fact, because it can be very subtle, sometimes both the victim and the perpetrator are unaware it’s happening. But even so, it can be very harmful in the long term. Read more on this article:

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Sacramento Detox Program Lists 6 Questions to Ask Yourself if You Want to Change

Generally speaking, change isn’t easy. Successfully changing anything in your life tends to require sustained focus, effort, and commitment. So before you undertake any kind of serious life modification, like getting treatment for an addiction in a Sacramento detox program, it’s important to know what’s driving this desire to change and how important it is to you.

Taking a Hard Look at Your Motivations

If you’ve made a commitment to changing your life for the better, that’s a great decision. But to give yourself the best chance at success, ask yourself these questions before you dive in: Read more on this article: