Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Sacramento Drug Rehab Center Gives Tips for Fighting Loneliness

Being in recovery from substance abuse involves fighting many battles, including trying to resist cravings, stay positive, and refocus your life. One of the challenges that people don’t necessarily think about is the intense loneliness that many of those in recovery have to face. As we tell the people we work with in our Sacramento drug rehab center, it’s important to take steps to ease the sense of isolation.
Connection can be Key
In committing to recovery, you may have had to cut ties with the people associated with your old lifestyle. And, you may be experiencing a sense of guilt about your situation that makes it hard to interact with family members, coworkers, etc. But, it’s critical to the success of your efforts that you stay connected. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2lfynSZ

Monday, February 27, 2017

Sacramento Rehab Shares 5 Things that Increase Teen Drug Risk

While there is evidence that drug use among teens has decreased slightly in recent years, that good news is overshadowed by the fact that far too many teens still participate in regular drug use. We tell parents at our Sacramento rehab center that one of the keys to keeping their teen from getting involved in drug use is understanding what can increase the likelihood that they’ll experiment or become a regular user.
Here are some of the risk factors:
  • Drug-using friends. Who your kids hang out with has a major influence on their behavior. And while trying to choose your child’s friends for them is a no-win proposition, there are ways you can subtly influence their decisions such as making it easier to connect with peers who are not drug users. You can also, of course, set reasonable limits on where, when, and how your children spend time with their friends. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2lLFHZH

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Addiction Rehab in Sacramento Gives Tips for Addicted Parents

Addiction is a disease that not only impacts the addict, it can have lifelong consequences for everyone associated with them. Nowhere is this more evident than with an addict’s own children. These kids are at a much greater risk than other children for school difficulties, depression, anxiety, and addiction. And while genetics plays a role in that, family social influences are a powerful influencer as well. As we tell the people we work with at our addiction rehab in Sacramento, that’s great news for those willing to work at raising healthy children. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2lfETZW

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Managing Withdrawal Shared by an Alcohol Rehab in Sacramento

There are two stages in alcohol withdrawal. The first is dominated by physical withdrawal symptoms such as tremors, nausea, headaches, hallucinations, and seizures. In the second stage, there are fewer physical symptoms but a wide range of emotional and psychological disturbances. At our alcohol rehab in Sacramento, we counsel the people we work with that the second phase can be every bit as challenging as the first, but that there are strategies for lessening the effects.
Getting through Stage 2
The big risk in the second stage of alcohol withdrawal (or withdrawal from any substance) is that the intense emotions may cause a relapse. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2lLLLBg

Friday, February 24, 2017

Detox Program in Sacramento Lists 7 Facts About Addiction

At our detox program in Sacramento, we understand that addiction treatment is both an art and a science. Having a strong grounding in the facts related to addiction—both in terms of its causes and the most effective treatments for it—is helpful both for those who are battling a substance abuse problem and their friends and family.
Some of What We Know About Addiction
Here are seven things we know about what addiction is and how to recover from it:
Addiction is a disease.
Not a “weakness” or a “lack of will,” research continues to confirm that addiction is a chronic disease that affects the reward centers in the brain. As the disease progresses, it more deeply affects a person’s impulse control and judgment. Ultimately, the behaviors of someone with an addiction are manifestations of the disease. And while those behaviors are a problem, they are not the disease itself. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2lfzMcl